Entries by Xavi Mañosa Divison

Aliancys, Daimler and Menzolit Show New Roads for Collaboration in the Automotive Value Chain

  Freising, 06.09.2016 – At the VDI Conference in Mannheim earlier this year, Aliancys, Daimler and Menzolit together gave a presentation about their successful improvement of SMC Technology for use in top-range Mercedes passenger cars. Through a very open collaboration and by sharing detailed process information, the companies were able to minimize production waste and […]

MENZOLIT renew Ecovadis “Silver Recognition”

Granollers 02.02.2016 – Menzolit Vitroplast has been awarded for the second time with “Silver Recognition” by EcoVadis for its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. Menzolit scored well in all four areas that EcoVadis evaluated, including Environment, Social in working conditions, Ethics in Fair Business Practices, and Sustainable Procurement. Silver Recognition places Menzolit Vitroplast in the top organisations […]


Granollers 25.01.2016 – New to the team in Granollers, since December 2015, is Joel Oliveras. Joel has joined as a Production Manager. He is Chemist with a Master Degree in operations management and supply chain from EADA Business School and superior technician in prevention of labor risks. Joel has worked in the coatings business and has a […]